Oktohub Blog

How To Prepare for a Home Inspection

How To Prepare for a Home Inspection

As any real estate agent can tell you, home inspections are a big part of the sales process and they can be the differentiating factor between a smooth and successful sale or a slow and painful deal breaker. Buyers need them to protect their investments and sellers...

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Real Estate Tactics to Avoid

Real Estate Tactics to Avoid

Buying a home can be a stressful endeavor for homebuyers, homeowners, and real estate professionals alike. It is likely one of the biggest financial moves for both parties, and as a real estate professional, you need to make sure things go smoothly. While you can do...

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How Millennials are Changing the Real Estate Market

How Millennials are Changing the Real Estate Market

There is a generational shift taking place in the real estate market and millennials, especially older ones, are starting to own residential real estate. They are currently the fastest-growing segment of homebuyers. This recent influx of millennial homebuyers and the...

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What Homebuyers Expect from Realtors

What Homebuyers Expect from Realtors

Homebuyers, especially first-time homebuyers, typically have many questions due to a lack of experience and knowledge of the buying process. They have certain expectations from their realtors, ranging from simple to elaborate ones, depending on the client. Today, we...

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How OktoHub Can Start Your Real Estate Career

How OktoHub Can Start Your Real Estate Career

Making it in the real estate industry is tough, and many real estate professionals spend their entire careers without becoming successful. We’re highlighting this challenge not to discourage anyone because even not-so-successful real estate professionals make a living...

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