Oktohub Blog

How to Prepare for a Successful Showing

How to Prepare for a Successful Showing

Home showings are crucial for a real estate business. As a real estate professional, you want to present homes in their best conditions so that buyers can see themselves living in them. This is how you get good offers for your clients. When most homebuyers make a...

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Generational Trends In Real Estate Clients

Generational Trends In Real Estate Clients

Real estate has changed dramatically over the last decade. The recent digitization of the real estate industry has been accelerated due to the limitations and restrictions brought about by the global pandemic. Still, there is another important factor at play. The...

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How to Sell Homes to Millennial Buyers

How to Sell Homes to Millennial Buyers

A decade ago, millennials were widely known as the generation of renters in the real estate industry. However, this has changed dramatically, and today, they make up a third of all homebuyers in the market. Millennials have changed the real estate market, and you can...

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Renting vs. Buying a Home

Renting vs. Buying a Home

To rent or to buy? Renting vs. buying is an age-old debate and most people around the world have already picked their sides or at least have a strong opinion or favor toward one side. It may not come as a surprise that the side most people prefer is buying. This does...

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7 Renovation Tips to Increase Home Value

7 Renovation Tips to Increase Home Value

You may have heard of homeowners renovating before they sell their homes. Most people may wonder why they should spend money to renovate a home they will no longer use? The answer is simple — to increase its value. Selling homes is not easy, and selling them at...

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Modeling Traits for Real Estate Success

Modeling Traits for Real Estate Success

Becoming a successful real estate professional is no walk in the park. Many people want to make it in the real estate industry. Unlike most jobs, there is virtually no cap to a real estate professional's success. However, becoming a successful real estate professional...

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